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This little space on the internet is where I hope to share with you the wonderful world of yourself, with movement, knowledge bombs and the occasional handstand.


My childhood consisted of moving around different pockets of this planet we call Earth, and with all the stories those experiences brought me; one thing is for sure, that movement was my constant! It didn’t matter where you are in the world, there were new friends to play with, new places to explore and new clubs to join!


In previous versions of myself; competitively running and lots of gymnastics, combined has implemented the curiosity within myself to find function over aesthetics, and appreciate how amazing the human body is, and most importantly... Have fun. I believe knowledge is power, and with my ever growing learning and experience, I aim to become a bridge in the gap of complicated jargon to inspire and educate people through Pilates, Yoga and Personal Training as well as how to take those tools off of the mat, and into your everyday life and into nature, so you can feel confident in knowing yourself and what will serve you at all times.


Movement is natural to us, and I believe we should feel energised, playful, curious and free with exercise!


So, grab a cuppa tea, take a browse around this space, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I love sharing it.

Meg x

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